Update 1.1 (New Enemies)

Space Evaders Version 2.1

Update Synopsis: Added 4 new enemies unlocked by getting past level 5, each with super, ultra, and boss variants. These enemies have a 50% chance of replacing the original enemies upon starting a new run. The goal of this is to add more variety to each run's enemy variation.

The new enemies are the Driller (which can replace the Kiter), the Strafer (which can replace the Greenie), the Bulwark (which can replace the Squidle), and the Bomber (which can replace the Laser). Each has very dangerous super variants that appear after level 5, and ultra variants as well. The Guardian bosses at level 9 and end bosses at level 10 are also replaced with new enemies.

The other large change with this update is one to game balance. The difficulties have been renamed, and instead of being Baby, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Insane are now called Tour, For Fun, Challenging, Classic, and Insane. Additionally, the amount of time it takes to finish a level has been changed for each difficulty. Normal, Baby, and Easy are all significantly faster, Classic has the original "Normal" level time length, while Insane remains unchanged. The goal of this change is to make the game easier, while the new enemies can increase the difficulty once the player makes it past the first boss.

A lot of the enemy AI has been slightly tweaked so that enemies do not turn on a dime any more. 

Super squidles are now much faster, making them actually dangerous.

Greenies now have more range.

Crystula has been nerfed, and now is slower.

New music has been added for levels 10.5 and Leveleven.

And a myriad of other small changes that I've forgotten about by now. Hopefully they weren't worth mentioning.

Upcoming updates: Two new bosses for level 5, to give Crystula and Asteroid Pelt some company. Unlocks for the new enemy variants. Challenges for the new enemies, and a new super boss rush with all 9 bosses. Buffs to a lot of the ships, because most are too weak to be worth playing.

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