Update 1.2 (New Bosses)

Space Evaders Version 2.2

Update Synopsis: Added 2 new early game bosses, and one secret end game boss. 

When a player goes to level 5, instead of always getting either the bosses "Asteroid Pelt" or "Crystula," there are now two new and challenging encounters that can take place instead. This was done to give the start of the game more variety, because it doesn't make sense to have more level 10 bosses than level 5 bosses.

Additionally, there is a hidden way to go to a secret final boss, which is the hardest encounter in the game. This can be done during the previous final area, "Leveleven." Any ship can do this, it's just a matter of knowing where to go.

The log now also displays your stats for these new bosses and the new enemies introduced in update 1.1 / version 2.1.

Lastly, a lot of previously nonviable ships have been buffed to make them more competitive. Hopefully players will be encouraged to experiment and find a ship that they enjoy using more than the basic types.

The boss rush also now has the new level 5 and level 10 bosses, making it a 9 consecutive bosses challenge. Good luck with that! At least the secret boss wasn't included.

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